Here at Convergence Strategies, our team is constantly focused on thinking ahead for the future, working on projects that will ultimately serve the broader community and advance the work of religious, secular, and spiritual identities (RSSIs) at our institutions, and support your work as practitioners in advancing this vital area of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Over the last few months, we’ve been working hard to consider what is next for Convergence Strategies, and we’ve decided to relaunch our coaching cohorts model which we found to be successful during the Covid-19 Pandemic’s most socially isolating times. Convergence Coaching Cohorts, a remote opportunity to advance your skills and expertise in support of religious, secular, and spiritual identities, are designed from the ground up to support the needs of the individuals who will become active participants and will provide connection to others who are doing the work.
Whether this is your first time considering how to support religious, secular, and spiritual identities or you’ve been doing it for years, the Coaching Cohorts are a great way to do our work in Convergence Strategies with one another.
Here’s does it work? The Coaching Cohorts are short term but build an alumni network of practitioners, researchers, scholars, and administrators alike that will last for years. A Coaching Cohort occurs when we place together up to ten practitioners to connect over six specifically focused sessions over a period of ten weeks. Individuals who wish to join the cohorts will be placed into groups of similar interest, positions, and experience in religious, secular, and spiritual identities. The groups meet in general every other week for a period of one hour via Zoom, creating the beginnings of a strategic plan to assemble other stakeholders at their institutions, and gaining access to some of Convergence’s curriculum currently in development.
The Coaching Cohorts occur continuously, with new groups beginning every couple of months. The groups will continue over the ten-week periods. Cost for the cohort (and the six hours of content and group sessions) will be $299.000 U.S., divided up over two payments. For those to whom this will be a financial hardship, we ask you to inquire with us regarding potential scholarship opportunities.
Those who become a part of the cohort will be given access to new Convergence Strategies resources and will be able to access alumni-only events at conferences in the future. We hope you consider becoming a member of the initial Coaching Cohorts and advancing your efforts on campus to support religious, secular, and spiritual identities.
Things you will gain from being a part of a Convergence Coaching Cohort:
- Introduction to the current data and messages that would support religious, secular, and spiritual identities on campus
- A sense of connection with others across higher education to engage and support RSSIs
- Deepening understanding of processes used by professionals to consider specific policies and practices
- Introduction to Convergence’s 4 Pillars of Policy and Practice model
- Tangible outcomes toward building stakeholder support on your campus
- Access to the broader alumni network of Convergence professionals